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Inside Africa Travel Budget Safaris

Simbi Nyaima/ Otok Swamp Full Day Excursion From Kisumu

Depart Kisumu after breakfast with packed lunches by road to the mythological village of Simbi. The folklore Connotation is: One day the chief of the village of Simbi in Kakseru Rachuonyo District decided to throw a big party in this tranquil and prosperous village of Simbi as they had just experienced a bountiful harvest.

An old Woman appeared in the village when the celebrations were going on but was chased away by the chief and his friends. However, one of the wives of one of the mebers welcomed her with food and shelter. In the morning she advised the lady to leave with her children as there was going to be heavy rain which was going to sink the village. After leving the Village, her predictions came to pass and everybody died.

The tour will also extend to Otok swamp which hosts the Flamingos from Lake Nakuru and Simbi Nyaima.  The presence of the white Flamingos makes OTOK Village one of the many Tourism sites in the County. The Birds flock together in pattern and produce a rhythmic buzzing sound as one move too close to them. They get uncomfortable whenever someone moves too close. The Birds spend most of the day at the Swamp and fly back to Lake Simbi when dusk approaches and return to the Swamp the following day. We drive back to Kisumu in the evening to end our full day Excursion.